2023 Jan 12th
Posted by Adrienne Deeks and Sabrina Hinitz

The Village 8 movie theatre in Whistler permanently
closed this past week so my niece and I went for a final
showing. Our choice was Puss ‘n Boots. As expected, it was
cute and funny but what (for me) was not expected was the insightful
message. The movie is about 4 competitive individuals that go on
an adventure to get to a certain place where one person will be
granted a wish – anything they want. Without giving too much away,
the message (for me at least) was to examine what it is you wish for in
life and see if perhaps you already have it; or perhaps you already
have the building blocks for that wish in place. So instead of
always wishing for something you want, want what you already have and
build upon that. I think we are as a society bombarded with the
negative to the point that it’s all we see. It’s like skiing
through trees, if you stare at them, you will hit them but if instead,
you look at the path between the trees, that is where
you will go.
Of course, making wishes is fun and I am by no means suggesting you
stop making them. In store, we have the Three
wishes bracelets in oodles of colours, where there
are 3 silver beads on a colourful thread. You make 3 wishes when
you put the bracelet on and when the bracelet breaks, your wishes come
true. Also on the theme of the positive is the Rainbow
Talisman by Pyrrha; this talisman reminds us that
if we stay positive we can weather any storm. If your wish is for
dry, warm feet then look no further than the NexGrip winter
boots. These boots will keep you safe (with the built-in cleat for
ice traction) dry and warm! Lastly, we have the Vera
small wallet by Matt & Nat to hold all that
money you are secretly wishing for.
We're open in the Whistler village on Main St. every day from 10 am - 7
pm. Of course, if you aren't around you can always shop our
new arrivals, jewellery, handbags, winter boots, blankets, gifts,
sales, and more anytime on our website! |
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